Mindful Movement

Mindful Movement with Maria Yamas and Niyamas Series - Ishvara Pranidhana

Mindful Movement with Maria Yamas and Niyamas Series - Ishvara Pranidhana

Translation:a Sanskrit term and compound composed of two words: Isvara (or Ishvara) (ईवर) and pranidhana (णधान). Ishvara translates to “owner of best, beautiful”, ruler of choices and blessings and “chief of suitor”. Pranidhana is used in sanskrit to mean applying or giving attention to by way of meditation, prayer or desire. Together they encompass the last niyama which embodies the theme of surrender to the divine. Another term used to describe Ishvara Pranidhana is “the special self”.

Mindful Movement with Maria Yamas and Niyamas Series - Tapas

Mindful Movement with Maria Yamas and Niyamas Series - Tapas

Translation: Tapas is based on the root Tap (तप्) meaning "to heat, to give out warmth, to shine, to burn. Tapas, the third Niyama widely translates into the concept of self-discipline, inner energy or austerity. Tapas reminds us that to stay on a path towards wholeness we need self-discipline, self-accountability and the desire to keep going.

Mindful Movement with Maria 4

Mindful Movement with Maria 4

Today we introduce twists. These are grounded and fluid postures that are included in some yoga flow. The magic ingredient is awareness. What would it be like to bring your awareness to the mat? This fourth installment guides you to move your body with while noticing what’s happening in the present moment. What is it like to twist your body? What do you notice about your breath, physical body and emotions as you bring these poses into your body with awareness. 

Mindful Movement with Maria 3

Mindful Movement with Maria 3

Today we introduce the Crescent Lunge Series. These are structured, grounded and strong postures that are included in some yoga flows. This pose allows exploration of opening and receiving. The magic ingredient is awareness. What would it be like to bring your awareness to the mat? To what extent are you opened to receive? This third installment guides you to move your body with while noticing what’s happening in the present moment.