What We Can Do In Times Of The Unknown

By now you’ve been inundated with news, emails and social media posting regarding COVID-19 or the Coronavirus. Most likely, you or someone you know has recently been told that their classes will be held remotely or that they should work from home. You may have had a few things like conferences, retreats, shows and other types of events cancelled for the near future. Perhaps you've even seen people wearing latex gloves or face masks on the subway. With this becoming our “new normal”, it is easy to feel alone, scared and out of control.

When we face these types of anxieties that shake our sense of safety it activates the trauma system. Our sympathetic nervous system may become overwhelmed.  

For yogis, we would say our first chakra is flooded! The first chakra is an energy center located at the base of the spine and perinimum. This base energy center is related to how safe we feel in the world. It considers how we get our basic needs met.

When we feel out of control we overcompensate with things we can control. For those who have  stockpiled toilet paper or pasta, these are our first chakra instincts working overtime. Many will also tap into other fears or past experiences that will deepen anxieties. When this happens we can feel a sense of helplessness.

But that’s a myth! This month’s Managing Nutrition Myths Blog is dedicated to debunking the myth of helplessness. 

In times of unknown, stress can overwhelm our systems, decreasing our immunity-the very thing we need to protect us! We need to stay grounded in care-taking rituals that are empowering and action-oriented. Below is a list of immunity strengthening things you can do while you manage Coronavirus mayhem. 

Practice Sound Nutrition For Immunity - One of the most concrete ways to fight COVID-19 is to stay healthy. How do we do this?

Drink plenty of water - Water flushes out toxins and keeps our organs running at their potential.

Eat more fruits and vegetables - Fruits such as oranges, strawberries and pomegranates and vegetables such as leafy greens, broccoli and cauliflower contain antioxidants and compounds to boost our immune system. Remember nutrients are provided in fresh, frozen or canned varieties! 

Take your vitamins. Scratch that. Take your vitamins, your minerals, supplements and some herbal remedies while you’re at it! It is time to reach back into your medicine chest or cupboards and find those bottles of vital goodness you may have forgotten about! Vitamin A, B6, B12, C, D and E are essential for immune function. Minerals that boost your body's immunity army include Zinc and Selenium. I love Trader Joe’s High Potency Vitamin/Mineral Complex as it combines all of the above into one formula.Take your probiotic people! If you thought they were only for digestion, think again. Probiotics work with the immunoglobulins in the gut to provide a punch of protection for your entire body! And herbal remedies? Yes, please. Echinachea, Elderberry and Astragalus have been proven to aid in immune function. 

Eat Structured Meals and Snacks - Anxiety can disrupt hunger and fullness cues. In times of the unknown, sticking to your meal plan can help provide a sense of security. Eat balanced meals and snacks throughout the day. Choose nutrient-dense foods such as nuts and nut butters, eggs and omega rich salmon to keep you fueled and your body strong.

Find ways to relax if you're stuck at home - Within the next few weeks we all may be more homebound than usual. Here are simple ways to unwind and relax.

Get Sensual - Self-care can be as easy and simple as engaging your senses. Bath and showers decrease sympathetic nervous activity and allow the calming parasympathetic nervous system to turn on. Applying a face mask, exfoliating scrub or aromatherapy essential oils awakens the senses. Listening to your favorite tunes activate feel-good centers of the brain. 

Grab a book! This is the perfect time to curl up with your favorite book and engage in the wonderful art of reading! If you need to do something with your hands, try a coloring book, crossword puzzle or journal. 

Practice yoga. Find a cozy place to put your yoga mat or towel and lay down. Find some easy stretches or an online yoga class to help you move your body in a gentle way. Even rolling a tennis ball on tense muscles can create relief. Listening to a guided meditation or breathing practice relaxes the nervous system. WATCH MY VIDEO for a stress relieving yoga practice on balancing the first chakra!

Sleep Tight! Being at home for long stretches can lead to the feeling of losing track of time. In addition, many people struggle with sleeping when their bodies are heightened. Creating a sleeping ritual can remind the brain and body to settle down and get into sleep mode. Stick to a time to begin your sleep ritual. Create a comfortable atmosphere. Drink a cup of herbal tea or put on relaxing music. Find ways to invite sleep into your body. 

Find Moments of Peace and Joy - While it may seem a tall order among the quarantine, panic and shut downs, we CAN cultivate moments of calm within the storm. Here are some ways to do just that!

Visit with Nature - If you live near a beach, put your bare feet in the sand. Walk to your nearest park and sit in the grass. Look around for signs of Spring. Even your own backyard can be an oasis by simply looking up to the sun and taking in its beauty. Why not open up your window and look out of it. What do you see? A bird, the stars, a sunset, the moon, clouds that look like animals? Nature is healing whether it is an open vista or talking to your house plants. Keep your connection to nature and you’ll find moments of feeling rooted.

Find Community within Social Distancing - Remember the benefits of the internet! Here you can find online communities, classes and chat groups to keep you connected to others. Travel and Leisure posted a link (https://www.travelandleisure.com/attractions/museums-galleries/museums-with-virtual-tours) for virtual tours to museums and galleries to help us get through the moments we are alone. 

Pet your animals - Animals are healing! If you have a pet, spend some time giving it a little TLC and watch the returns triple back to you. If you don’t have a real pet, find a stuffed animal and give it a hug! 

Practice Acceptance - The practice of acceptance reminds us to be with what is without the urge to fix, change, modify or tamper with. It is one of the most important practices we can follow during times like these when we feel lost in the unknown. Tara Brach provides exercises on how to practice Radical Acceptance https://mindfulnessexercises.com/downloads/radical-acceptance/.

The Bottom Line: The most powerful tool we have to debunk the myth that we are helpless is to know we will get through this together. In times of hardship we learn most about our strength, resilience and ability to move forward. Integrated Eating wishes you health. We are with you.